Welcome to Year 4
Our Teacher is Mrs Manners. We are supported by Miss Darkin and Miss Niedzielska during the week and on Thursday afternoons we have Science with Mrs Pilkington. On this page you will be able to find out what class projects and activities we have been working on recently. Look out for Class News here too!
Autumn Term 2023
This term our topic is Invasion!
This will have a focus on Anglo Saxons and Vikings
Below is important information to support your child's learning in Year 4.
PE days are Mondays and Fridays, please wear your kit to school (School PE top, school jumper, shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers) Swimming for Year 4 will take place later in the school year.
Maths homework is due on Tuesdays and Topic homework is due on Wednesdays. Spellings will be sent home weekly and will be tested on Thursdays. 99 club is on Wednesdays. Families are encouraged to read regularly at home and record this in your Reading Journal. Children are also encouraged to play Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) at home in preparation for the MTC in June.
Parent Overviews
Year 4 Homework Activities
Autumn Term 2023 Homework
- Reading - remember to read for at least 20 minutes a day and record this in your Reading Journal.
- Times tables - continue to practise your times tables (by the end of year 4 you need to know up to 12x12)
- Maths homework will be given out in the maths folder on a Tuesday and is due in the following Tuesday. During the Tuesday number sense lesson we will go through the homework together so please make sure the folder is in school. In the Autumn Term the homework will be both class related and times tables based.
- Topic homework - each week choose one activity and complete it in your homework book. Please bring your completed homework in on a Wednesday and put it in the homework box. Your book will be returned to you by Thursday. The first piece is due in on 13.9.23 and the final piece is due in on 13.12.23
New spellings will be given out on Thursday and tested the following Thursday.