Welcome to the Holy Trinity Governing Board
The Governing Body takes a strategic role, acts as a critical friend to the School and is accountable for its decisions. It sets aims and objectives and agrees, monitors and reviews policies, targets and school development priorities.
The Governing Body has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Instrument of Government
The school’s instrument of Government, which came into effect on 31st August 2015, states that the Board of Governors shall consist of:
2 parent governors
1 LA governor
1 staff governor
1 headteacher
2 foundation governors
3 co-opted governors
Total number of governors is 10
Register of Governors’ Terms of Office, Interests, Roles and Responsibilities
Each year, all governors declare in writing any financial and business interests. They must also declare whether they are related to any members of staff and whether they are governors at any other schools. At the beginning of every meeting, governors must declare any interests in agenda items that may affect their impartiality.
The Register of Governors Terms of Office Interest Roles and Responsibilities summarises this information and also shows governors' terms of office and their individual roles and responsibilities.
All governors are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct which is based on the Nolan Principles for public life.
Governors meet as a Full Governing Board (FGB) once every half term, which is 6 times a year.
In addtion, there are two Committees of the Board:
- Ethos Committee
Finance and Resources Committee:
Copies of the Minutes of governing board meetings are availble on request from the Clerk to Governors: clerk@holytrinity.gloucs.sch.uk
Contacting the Chair of Governors
Please use the following email to send a message to Helen Morris - Chair of Governors (chair@holytrinity.gloucs.sch.uk). Your message will be sent direct to her and will remain entirely confidential.
Governor Attendance at Meetings During the Last 12 months
A record of Governor Attendance at meetings during the last 12 months is maintained.
Becoming a Governor
Being a Governor - If you are thinking of becoming a Governor watch this short video.
Make Schools Your Business - We all believe that schools should provide the best education possible for our children, but you don't need to be a politician or a teacher to help. You can use your business skills to help support local education by becoming a school governor today.
Inspiring Governance Website- information for potential, new or current governors.
Gloucestershire County Council information for Governors