Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School we ensure that all children are valued equally, regardless of their abilities and/or social, emotional or behavioural needs. Many pupils will have special educational needs at some time during their school life and the best way to support them is for everyone involved to work together. We work hard to ensure that each child is treated as an individual who will achieve their best and develop a love of learning. 

We believe that all children should have the opportunity to develop their full potential.  Children's needs are met through a varied and interesting curriculum and learning is tailored to meet the interests and abilities of all children. The teachers provide learning opportunities that engage all pupils and work to develop social and emotional skills within this. 

At Holy Trinity we support pupils through a variety of interventions:
  • Spelling & Reading programmes
  • Speech and Language programme
  • Fizzy programme to support fine and gross motor skills
  • Handwriting groups
  • Social skills groups
  • Emotional regulation groups
  • Play Therapy
  • Maths booster groups
  • Reading comprehension groups
  • Behaviour support group

At Holy Trinity Primary school we ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

We make sure that our school is a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone, as we recognise that people have different needs. To find out more please follow the link to read our Equalities Scheme.

All of these and others are regularly reviewed and data to support their impact is monitored.

Teachers reflect daily on their teaching and learning, allowing children who may have struggled to be picked up by a teaching assistant or the teacher.

If we feel that your child may benefit from additional support we will contact you to discuss how this can be implemented.

Local Offer

At Holy Trinity we aim to offer additional support as necessary, as soon as possible.  Therefore, we want to work with families at the earliest opportunity, as soon as a need is identified.  If we feel your child has additional needs we will contact you to suggest ways in which we can support your child. Equally if you feel your child needs additional support, please contact Becky Hall our Inclusion Lead (senco@holytrinity.gloucs.sch.uk) to discuss your concerns.  You may find our "Local Offer of Early Help for SEND" a useful source of information.