If you are concerned about a child, please report this immediately to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. Details are available below.
We take the safety of our children seriously. All of our staff listen carefully to our children, take care to ensure that they have the opportunity to express their emotions and work with them to ensure that they can be happy in school.
Our school provides a robust programme of training and updates for all staff and ensures that effective working practices are up to date, relevant and monitored. This is based on published guidance and best practice, including but not limited to, Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024) and Safer Working Practice. More information regarding our safeguarding practices can be found in our school's Safeguarding Policy. This is available on the Policies page of our website or available via the school office.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSLs) is Mr David Le Templier. He coordinates safeguarding provision and child protection support at our school.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are ably supported by Mrs Lynda Britton, Mrs Becky Hall and Miss Charlie Horsey. They are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) and are available in Mr Le Templier's absence.
Mrs Becky Hall is our Designated Teacher for Looked after Children (DTLC) and has responsibility for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children within the school.
Our safeguarding governor is Kate Westmacott. She can be contacted by emailing kwestmacott@holytrinity.gloucs.sch.uk
Our dedicated pastoral team provide specialist support in a variety of ways depending on children's and parent's needs. More information regarding our pastoral offer and early help is available on our Pastoral Support webpage.
If you need to share a concern regarding a pupil or a member of staff, then please use the process provided in the document below:
At Holy Trinity, we expect our children to feel safe and happy. We focus strongly on children developing effective relationships and friendships across the school. We use a restorative approach to educate our children on what happens when we need to repair a relationship and how we can solve our problems peacefully.
We want our children to know the difference between falling out, children being unkind or mean, and bullying. We also teach our children what to do about it.
Our Collective Worship and PSHE programme of study helps children to understand that, bullying is:
Targeted and intentional, malicious and unkind. It causes harm over time as it is repeated. It can be both physical and emotional harm.
Bullying is taken seriously by staff and pupils alike and, although rare, it is dealt with appropriately when it does occur.
If you have concerns regarding bullying, then please share these with Mr David Le Templier in the first instance.