
Generic Principles

We are committed to delivering the content of this policy to meet the needs of all staff, pupils and other stakeholders where relevant, irrespective of race, gender and disability.

Our school recognises and promotes the responsibilities of all adults in protecting pupils. Specific responsibilities involved in ensuring child protection and wider safeguarding procedures are in place and must be adhered to: please refer to Child Protection & Procedures Policy; ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2022) and ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ (2018.)

This policy should be read in conjunction with these other related policies and documents:

  • Behaviour
  • PSED (Equalities)
  • Physical Education

Where community means all those directly (ie children, staff, parents and governors) and indirectly (eg local schools and organisations) involved with the school.

Where aspiring means wanting the best for our children and families and supporting them to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to be their best.

Life to the full
Where ‘life to the full’ means providing a broad range of experiences and opportunities to apply the knowledge, skills and understanding we have to be able to participate in life and not be passive observers of it.

The policy of the governors and staff of this school is that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school organised events out of school.  We encourage parents to support us with this so that all children wear the appropriate uniform and are able to take pride in their personal appearance.

This policy takes notice of guidance issued by the Department for Education (DFE) which can be found here. It therefore takes into consideration the following issues:

  • Cost and availability - We aim to keep compulsory branded items to a minimum and make sure stock can be purchased from a number of outlets, including supermarkets and discount retailers
  • Practicality (eg for Forest School and PE)
  • Value for money when arranging suppliers.

Aims and objectives
Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in our school
  • helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • identifies the children with the school
  • supports our commitment to inclusion
  • prevents children from wearing ‘fashion clothes’ that could be distracting in class
  • is practical, smart and designed with health and safety in mind
  • is considered good value for money by most parents
  • All items should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

The school holds a few spare items of uniform and is prepared to loan these in cases of hardship or difficulty, but it is not the intention of the school to provide such items specifically.

 Accessories (Jewellery, Watches, Hair Ornaments, Make-up and Nail Varnish)

  •  We ask that children do not wear make-up or nail varnish to school. The only exceptions will be for events such as school discos or charity fundraising events.
  • For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears, and small objects of religious significance.  Children are required to remove any items during PE lessons to prevent them from causing injury (your class teacher will let you know when PE lessons will take place so that earrings can be removed.  Please note, Teachers should not be asked to remove earrings.
  • Wrist watches may be worn but only for the purpose of telling the time. ‘Smart’ watches linked to mobile phones are not permitted. If a child wears such a watch, they will be asked to take it to the School Office for safekeeping until the end of the day.
  • Hair bands, ribbons/bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain and either school colours (blue and/or maroon) or black or white in colour. Hair bands should not have large flowers attached.  Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school unless for an out of school hours’ function, for example a school disco. 
  • Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns or ‘tram lines’ cut into their hair or have their hair coloured or dyed. For health and safety reasons and to ensure it does not distract from learning, we advise that long hair be tied back.


  • For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels.
  • All children are required to wear plain black shoes or trainers. If boots are worn these should also be plain black.  If boots are large and prevent children from sitting comfortably on the floor they may be asked to change into their PE shoes whilst inside the school building.
  • Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently.
  • Please do not send your child to school in shoes which prevent them from running in the playground.


School Uniform List

Uniform colours – MAROON/BLUE/GREY

Grey trousers/shorts (not jogging bottoms or leggings), grey pinafore or skirt
Polo Shirt with school logo, or plain blue (available in most department stores etc.)
School sweatshirt (with logo)
Sensible black shoes (No Doc Martin type boots, fashion boots or trainers)
Grey/Maroon tights

Wet weather:
Please ensure that your child wears a coat to school. All coats should be labelled.

Please ensure that children have suitable warm clothing, including coats. Children may wish to wear wellies or walking boots to school on snow day.

Grey shorts, Blue & White checked dress
Polo shirt with school logo, or plain blue (available in most department stores etc.)
School sweatshirt (with logo)
Sensible summer shoes (No jelly shoes, crocs or open toed sandals please)
Please provide your child with a named sunhat/ cap and apply sunscreen before school.

Please note - where skirts are worn, they should be of an appropriate length and style to allow children to sit on the floor safely and without compromising their modesty.

P.E. Kit:
Plain T-shirt in your child’s house colour
Plain shorts in navy or black
Children are expected to arrive at school wearing their PE on PE days. This information should be available on your child’s class page on the school website.
For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear earrings for PE.
Additionally, long hair must be tied back.

NB Children may do P.E. in the hall with bare feet; Trainers or sports shoes will also be needed.

Juniors (KS2) should have an outdoor kit for winter which includes trainers suitable for wearing on damp ground.
A track suit in school colours is advisable.

New uniform can be purchased online from Universal or Brigade.  Sometimes used uniform items are on sale from the PTFA. Please ask the PTFA or the school office for more information.

Children who swim with the school should possess trunks/bathing costume and towel all named.  Bikinis and Bermuda shorts are not suitable for swimming lessons. Swimming caps are recommended for long hair.



We have two suppliers of uniforms, Monkhouse Schoolwear and Brigade Clothing:

Monkhouse Schoolwear have a shop in Cheltenham at the following address:   

252 High St, Cheltenham GL50 3HF or you can shop online at the following website address: https://www.monkhouse.com/ by entering the school’s name in the drop down list. You can ‘click and collect’ or use the home delivery options.  

 In addition, you can order from Brigade Clothing using the following link: www.brigade.uk.com and enter the school’s name in the drop-down list.

 Items such as trousers, skirts, shorts and plain polo shirts are available from most supermarkets and department stores.