Pastoral Support

A central part of our school vision is to provide outstanding pastoral care within a strong sense of community. We believe that the welfare of all of our pupils is paramount, because when a child feels safe and secure in their environment they are able to learn and develop their talents to the full.

At Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, we have a team of people who are responsible for the pastoral care of the children. Mr Kurt Doyle and Mrs Pat Nelson are our Designated Safeguarding Leads. Mrs Pat Nelson is also our Pastoral Lead and she oversees welfare support for our children and their families. Part of this role includes promoting children's safety and well-being, monitoring attendance and working alongside families to remove any social, emotional or welfare barriers to learning. Mrs Nelson is ably supported by Mrs Jodie Childs in delivering pastoral support and interventions.

The aim of our pastoral support is to remove barriers to learning and to support families and children to ensure that all of our children are ready and prepared to make good academic progress.

We offer a wide range of support to children and families at Holy Trinity. We are especially proud to be able to offer a Thrive approach to social and emotional well-being. The Thrive programme focuses on understanding and supporting children and their behaviour and promotes positive mental health and helps to remove barriers to learning.
Although Thrive is our primary approach to supporting children, we also provide a wide range of support for children where appropriate. This includes - but is not limited to - Play Therapy, Art Therapy and Counselling.

When families need or ask for greater support, we are able to work alongside Gloucestershire Early Help. This is a local authority service which provides help, support, guidance and intervention for children and their families. This is a really positive service and can help unlock the right support for families at the right time.

If you would like to know more about Early Help, then please read the school's offer for Early Help in the Policies section of this website.

We also offer, through our partnership with Young Minds Matter, a referral service to support children experiencing trauma or requiring mental health support. Please see the attached leaflet below for more information.

If you would like to speak with the school about pastoral or well-being support, then please contact our Pastoral Lead (Pat Nelson) using the contact details:
Contact: Mrs Pat Nelson
01242 515 778