Our School Day
Reception / Key Stage 1
The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes as 3.15pm for EYFS and Key Stage One and at 3.20pm for Key Stage 2. Registration takes place between 8.45 - 9.00am
Morning Playtime is at 10:15am (Reception will more have breaks at the beginning of the year to help them settle into the school routines.)
- Reception go to lunch at 12pm to settle down to eat before the rest of KS1 join them at 12.15pm
- Reception / KS1 lunch ends at 1pm
Afternoon Playtimes
Children in Reception and Year 1 have a movement break during the afternoon
End of the Day
- School day ends at 3.15pm
- All EYFS / Key Stage 1 children are to be collected outside the Reception Area.
Key Stage 2
The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.20pm. Registration takes place between 8.45 - 9.00am.
Morning playtime is at 10.30am
Lunchtime is from 12.15 - 13.15pm
The School day finishes at 3.20pm
- Year 3 are to be collected from outside the Reception Area
- Year 4 are to be collected from the door by entrance gate
- Year 5 are to be collected from the door by entrance gate
- Year 6 are to be collected from Classroom
The school week for Reception and Key Stage 1 totals 32 hours and 30 minutes.
The school week for Key Stage 2 currently totals 33 hours and 45 minutes.
This was reviewed by the governing body during the 2022-2023 academic year and school timings we extended from September 2023 in accordance with the latest guidance from the Department for Education.
Drop off and collection
At the start and the end of each day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build good links between home and school. If your normal arrangements have to be altered (delays or another person needs to collect your child/children), please let the office know. This helps to avoid confusion or upset.
There will always be members of the Senior Leadership Team present on the playground and this is a great opportunity to ask questions or to share information.
School Meals
Our school dinners are provided by Caterlink and are cooked on site in our school kitchen. Meals are ordered on the day and are payable via a child's Parent Pay at a cost of £2.71 per meal. Please contact the school office if you need more information on how to do this.
Autumn Winter 2024-2025 Menu- click on the link below to see details of the daily choices. There is always a vegetarian option and daily salad selection available.
Important - Please let the school office know if your child has any allergies or intolerances we need to cater for.
Request for Absence - Request for absence should be received at least ten days before the required absence.
Overall attendance is consistently very high at our school.
Please note that with effect from September 2013 the government has amended its regulations regarding authorised absence from schools. Headteachers no longer have the discretion to authorise up to ten days absence per year in special circumstances for the purpose of a family holiday. Information on the website for the Department of Education states that ‘Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances’ – for example serious family illness or a family bereavement. Reference to leave in term time for a family holiday has been removed from the regulations.
School Uniform
Our full uniform policy can be found here
Items of school uniform can be purchased from either Monkhouse School Wear or Brigade Clothing
- Maroon school sweatshirt with school logo
- Grey skirt/pinafore dress
- Grey / Black trousers or shorts
- Plain blue shirt or polo shirt
- Blue and white checked dress (Summer)
- White / grey socks
- Black shoes (No Trainers)
PE Kit
- Shorts
- House T-shirt
- Trainers
- Black/Navy track suit top/trousers for colder weather
Swimming Kit
- Swimming costume - no bikinis
- Swimming trunks - no swim shorts please
- Towel
- Goggles (optional)
Paying Online
At Holy Trinity we use Parent Pay as a cashless payment method for school dinners and trips. If you require more information please contact the school office.