Extra - Curricular Clubs

At Holy Trinity, we provide a very wide range of sporting activities both in school time and also as part of our extensive extra-curriculum provision.  Teachers and support staff provide a wide array of clubs and activities which compliment the range of external sports providers and the school ochestra. Most clubs are free for our children to access.

Please see below for more information regarding clubs currently being offered this term at Holy Trinity.

If you would like more information regarding extra-curricular clubs, please contact the school office.

Our extra curricular clubs have now started, these will continue every week up to and including week commencing Monday 31st March, except crochet club which will change at February half term.

Club Name Run by Day End time  Age group
Crochet Club Mrs Manners & Mrs Mitchell  Monday 4:15pm Y3, 6, 5 & 6
Watch Wrestling Club Mr Anderson Thursday 4:15pm Y6
LEGO Mrs Hall Tuesday 4:15pm Y1 & 2
LEGO Mrs Pilkington Thursday 4:15pm Y3, 4, 5 & 6
Multi-Sports Montague Sports Monday 4:15pm Y3 & Y4
Multi-Skills Move More Thursday 4pm Y1 & Y2
Mixed Gender Football CTFC* Wednesday 4:15pm Y3 ,4, 5 & 6
Coding Mr Le Templier Monday 4:15pm Y3, 4, 5 & 6
Pokemon Mr Le Templier Friday 4:15pm Y1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Lunchtime Choir Mrs Britton Thursday Y1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Netball Mrs Britton Tuesday 4:15pm Y4, 5 & 6
Art Mrs Westwood Monday 4:15pm Y1 & 2
Orchestra Mrs Calder Tuesday 4pm By Invitation

If your child no longer wants to attend a club please let the office know so their space can be made available for someone else. As always, clubs will not run in the final week of term.

Unless otherwise stated teacher led clubs will not run in the first or final week of term

*Cheltenham Town Football Club use their own booking system - https://officialsoccerschools.co.uk/cheltenhamtownfc/ Please email info@ctfccp.com for more information.