Before & After School Care

Holy Trinity CofE Primary School offers a Breakfast  Club before school (from 8.00am until the start of the school day) and an After School Club at the end of the school day (from 3.15pm - 5.15pm).

Children attending the club will have a variety of activities and games to enjoy that will enable them to have fun and develop their social skills. There will also be either breakfast or a light healthy snack available.

Sessions will be bookable through ParentPay. All Spaces will need to be paid for at the time of booking.

We have registered with the Childcare Voucher scheme, click below to see current schemes. If your company uses a different scheme, please let us know so we can register with them to support you.

All enquiries should be sent via email to

Our Wrap Around Care Lead (Breakfast Club and After School Club) is Miss Horsey. More information regarding Wrap Around Care can be obtained from the School Office or by speaking with Miss Horsey.

Please note, the email will only be monitored during Club opening times. Also, after school club will not run on the final day of any whole term (end of half terms it will run as normal as will breakfast club).