We are a very active PTFA, working closely with the school, teachers and pupils. We organise and run a variety of social events and activities over the course of the year, raising much needed funds for the school. Look out on school notice boards (in the playground) and here on the website for information on upcoming PTFA events, activities and items we think you will want to know about.
For more information or to contact us please email PTFA.chair@holytrinity.gloucs.sch.uk
We are now partnered with Stikins Labels, a no-sew no-iron way to label all your child's school kit from uniform to lunchboxes and shoes to water bottles! Please click the link below and use code 10086 when prompted. The PTFA will receive 30% commission on every order!
Who are the PTFA?
All of the families of the children in the school are members of the PTFA... you are all welcome along to the meetings. The meetings include items such as upcoming events, new fundraising ideas, updates on financial reports and requests from the school for purchases. These meetings are often finished with social chit chat and a glass of something if the meeting is held in the evening at a local pub. You really don't have to 'join' or become a committee member to make a difference... please lend a hand if and when you can and show your support by coming along to the events!
How the PTFA help our School?
New Google Chrome Book computers
New Mud Kitchen for the Reception class
New text books for classrooms and books for the library
Funding for school trips
Waterproofs for Forest School
Specialists for 'Art Days' or topics
Without the help of the PTFA we would not be able to fund these and many other projects which have hugely benefited the school.
Here at Holy Trinity Primary School we’re busy fundraising by collecting old British or foreign coins and notes, even obsolete currency. Initially you'll see lots of posters around the school as well as the collection bucket. Once all the currency has been collected we send it to www.cash4coins.co.uk who exchanges it into cash we can use. The bucket will be here all year so keep it coming please.
We have a PTFA Facebook page where we can share ideas and post notices etc. The group can be found on Facebook by searching for Holy Trinity C of E Primary School PTFA.